Are you a small business or a start-up looking to get exposure to customers or funding sources, or seeking advisors, talent, or collaborators? Or are you looking to test your idea, product, or processes? Perhaps you are researcher from a government research lab, academia, or even industry seeking partnerships to secure additional funding? Are you an investor looking for the next 10× or 20× return on an early-stage technology investment? If you answered "yes" then the StartUp Program at IMS2024 is just what you have been looking for!
The Startup Program at IMS2024 fosters a dynamic environment where ideas meet opportunity, paving the way for fruitful collaborations and groundbreaking partnerships between visionary entrepreneurs, industry giants, and potential investors. IMS2024 brings forth a series of events curated to propel start-ups toward success. These events will be held during the course of the week and embody the excitement and passion that start-ups are known for.
Voice of the Founder Industry Panel Session
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
11:00 – 12:00
MicroApps Theater, Booth 2159
Past and present founders share insights, investor due diligence is unraveled, and the art of pitching and storytelling is explored. Hear directly from Startup Founders at various stages of their journey; from early stage through generating revenue, to successfully exiting and launching new startups.
- James Buckwalter, Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer, PsuedolithIC, Inc.
- Chris Marki, CEO and Chief Technologist, Marki Microwave
- Paul Blount, Founder of Custom MMIC (acquired by Qorvo)
- Harish Krishnaswamy, Founder of MixComm (acquired by Sivers)
- Gabriel Rebeiz, Founder of Spectrabeam (acquired by Renasas) and ExtremeWaves
- John Richardson, Founder of XMicrowave (acquired by Quantic Electronics)
Reception to follow in the StartUp Networking Lounge
Entrepreneurship 101 Panel Session: Collaboration with Young Professionals (YP) and Women in Microwaves (WIM)
Wednesday, 19 June 2024
11:00 – 12:00
Room: 144AB
- Tristan El Bouyadi, Thintronics
- Isar Mostafanezhad, Nalu Scientific
- Ken Vanhille, Sandia National Laboratories (formerly with Nuvotronics)

SBIR/STTR Panel Session
Wednesday, 19 June 2024
13:30 – 14:30
MicroApps Theater, Booth 2159
Learn about the SBIR/STTR programs from several agencies. During the Q&A session, you will have the opportunity to ask the hard questions.
- Quenton Bonds, NASA
- Ben Schrag, National Science Foundation
- Dave MCcarthy, Department of Energy
- Mohamed Mounir Abdin, NASA
Reception to follow in the StartUp Networking Lounge
The Next Top Startup Competition: Paving Paths to Financial Success
Wednesday, 19 June 2024
17:00 – 18:00
MicroApps Theater, Booth 2159
A perennial highlight of IMS, the Top Start-Up Competition in 2024 offers an exhilarating opportunity for prominent entrepreneurs to pitch their ventures to seasoned judges and an audience deeply entrenched in the RF/microwave technology ecosystem and new venture creation. Leveraging their wealth of experience, the judges will provide valuable insights, enabling participants to spotlight their products and ideas before the diverse audience at the IMS Exhibition. Here, their pitches undergo rigorous evaluation, and outstanding contributions are duly recognized with well deserved prizes.

Voice of the Customer Panel Session
Thursday, 20 June 2024
13:00 – 14:00
MicroApps Theater, Booth 2159
Hear directly from the decision makers. This panel is comprised of active investors, program managers, and large primes (pending), sharing keen insights into how startups can break into doing business with their organizations.
- Theo Williams, Third Vector
- Sherman William, AIN Ventures
- David Beck, U.S. Space Force
- Ian Adams, NASA
StartUp Pavilion
Tuesday, 18 June – Thursday, 20 June 2024
Open all IMS Exhibition Hours
Booth 2343
Situated on the exhibition floor, the Start-Up Pavilion emerges as a mini-ecosystem pulsating with interactive demonstrations and open dialogs. This year’s diverse lineup spans multiple sectors, from biological and environmental science to space/aerospace endeavors, such as CubeSats, remote sensors, and satellites (including low-Earth orbit satellites), and emerging technologies, such as quantum computing and sensing. The pavilion is not just an exhibition; it’s a convergence of innovation that transcends boundaries.
Companies participating: