A Reconfigurable Compact Multiband RF Bi-Directional Coupler for Sub-6GHz RF Front-Ends in RF SOI CMOS Switch Technology
In this work, a radio-frequency (RF) bi-directional coupler with tunable operating frequency is presented. To cover the entire sub-6 GHz spectrum, the directivity is optimized for different frequencies with the proposed digitally controlled-tuning network by compensating the frequency dependency of the coupling components and the degradation induced by parasitics. The tuning network with an inductive component and its area-efficient design is proposed. The device is implemented in 90nm RF SOI CMOS switch technology. The designed tuning network allows the coupler to have a directivity of over 30 dB from 700MHz to 6 GHz with a power consumption of only 29 µW. An input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) of 110dBm is reached for the signal through the transmitted path.