A 16-Channel W-Band Phased-Array Receiver with a 8-Bit Octant Selector and Reflection-Type Phase Shifter of 0.23°/0.21-dB RMS Phase and Gain Error for ±30° Scanning Angle
This paper introduces a W-band 16-channel phased array receiver featuring an 8-bit phase shifter and 3-bit VGA, designed for a ±30° scanning angle within the 92–96 GHz frequency range. To overcome gain limitations for precise phase control, a combination of an octant selector and a reflection-type phase shifter is proposed. Additionally, a VGA-PS-VGA sequence is suggested to address tuning step limitations for accurate gain control. With these methods, each channel achieves a 360° phase shift with a 1.4° per step and 4.8 dB gain tuning with 0.8 dB per step. The rms phase error is 0.23°, and the rms gain error is 0.21 dB. At 94 GHz, each channel exhibits a noise figure of 6.84 dB and a gain of 13.6 dB. The 16-channel array accomplishes ±30° scanning within the 92–96 GHz frequency range.