Space Borne Microwave and THz Instruments for Earth/Planetary Science Applications
Microwave and THz instruments are essential in Earth observation and planetary research. Prominent examples are the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on NASA’s Aura mission, which was launched in 2004. MLS measures the emission of trace gases in the atmosphere in several frequency bands throughout the mm-wave and sub-mm-wave region. A recent example of a space borne THz instrument is the Submillimeter Wave Instrument (SWI) on ESA’s JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer), which was launched in April 2023. Upon arrival at in the Jupiter system in 2031 SWI will measure the atmospheric composition of the icy moons of Jupiter. In this presentation, exemplary space borne instruments operating the microwave and THz spectral range will be presented. The enabling technologies as well as future demands regarding technologies for microwave and THz instruments will be discussed.