Tuesday, 18 June 2024
Spy Museum
Join our 2024 MTT-S Journals Reception in Washington DC!
This year we will be combining the event with the Young Professionals, the HAM Radio Social, and the Women in Microwaves (WIM) Reception, all to be held at the International Spy Museum at 700 L'Enfant Plaza on Tuesday evening, 18 June.
We are again planning a two-pronged event designed to both bring in new reviewers and new authors for all of our publications, and also to help our readers and future contributors better understand the different goals and target audiences for our very wide variety of technical content. This year we will be talking about the contrast between open access and traditional journal models and also the particular vision each Editor-in-Chief brings to his/her publication. You will have a chance to chat one-on-one with the EiC’s of our five core journals and the board members of our financially co-sponsored publications, while interacting with a select group of like-minded and interested researchers and academics in an amazing museum space. Don’t miss this last chance to get acquainted with our publications, meet our Editors, and hear about our publication philosophy and future directions. Get your questions answered and give your feedback – positive and negative – directly to those who handle your manuscripts or who are constantly asking for more and more of your precious time to do reviews!
Click Here to Register for the Reception
We can’t wait to see you for the first time, or to meet you again in Washington DC, as we capitalize across the spectrum on your continued support and interest!